closed circuit evap. cndsr shanghai tyacht cooling system co. ltd.-奇异果体育qyg

food industry
当前位置: 奇异果体育qyg首页 > 行业案例 > food industry
hangzhou wahaha group co., ltd.
suntory foods (shanghai) co., ltd.
jlb plastics co., ltd.
suntory food (shanghai) co., ltd.
tyacht cooling tower main supporting the suntory company bottle cooler and air compressor cooling.
hangzhou wahaha group co. ltd.
tyacht provide 29 companys belong to wahaha group company cooling tower. the main equipment for air compressor, bottle and bottle cooler.
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奇异果体育qyg copyright: shanghai tyacht cooling system co. ltd.

2013   沪icp 06051796

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