closed circuit evap. cndsr shanghai tyacht cooling system co. ltd.-奇异果体育qyg

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tyacht scholarship evaluation start

the research programme of tyacht/'s bursary, which is intended to subsidize the students of energy and power engineering college who have good performance both in study and personality but have troubles in finance, has begun. whoever needs help can contact our center through mail: 奇异果体育qyg.actually, the payment provided will not be less than 90 thousand with the total amount of 100 thousand rmb, after deducting related expenses. our company will judge it twice every year. the amount will not be less than 45 thousand rmb every time. the implementation details will be formulated and published in jan. 2007 after checking information. the first formal application will carry out in two weeks of next semester. student-related concerns, please point us.

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奇异果体育qyg copyright: shanghai tyacht cooling system co. ltd.

2013   沪icp 06051796

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