indoor use of closed circuit cooler requires a high standard of product structure and technical performance.
wartsila qiyao diesel company ltd.(shanghai), a joint venture between wartsila corporation and smderi(shanghai marine diesel engine research institute) purchased two units tyacht closed circuit cooler tcc-230r02 and two sets of electric control box. main components of closed circuit cooler and electric control box are high standard configuration to ensure reliable product quality, low noise, less drift water, energy saving, convenient maintenance.
wartsila corporation, joined with china shipbuilding heavy industries group 711th research institute, furthering its marine diesel engine share in the world market.
china shipbuilding heavy industry group said that wartsila is the world/'s largest medium and low speed diesel engines and related power generation equipment manufacturing company, wartsila/'s engines mainly used for marine power generation, emergency standby, ship propulsion and vehicle traction, enjoying very strong manufacturing strength. and combined with strong design capability of china shipbuilding heavy industry corporation no. 711 institute , the cooperation between the two sides can complement each other so as to quickly transfer the latest technology into productive forces for market use.
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奇异果体育qyg copyright: shanghai tyacht cooling system co. ltd.
2013 沪icp 06051796