the first half of 2007 tyacht grants award ceremony was held at energy and
tyacht company expressed their feelings of love to alma mater, conveyed their support for the cause of education and a high sense of responsibility to society. prof. zhang lixin introduced the establishment of the tyacht grants process. hu jinpeng standing for all 2005 class of the 32 students expressed their gratitude as well as the attitude and determination to return to the society . teacher jiang ming-ming expressed a heartfelt thank to tyacht noble move. shanghai tyacht company chairman standing for sponsors made a speech with his own personal experience to encourage students. at last, teacher luan chun-hui thanked again to tyacht company and encouraged students who are subsidized to study hard, return to society as soon as possible, pass love. after meeting, there is a conversation between shanghai tyacht company chairman and general manager with students.
after meeting, students said that the award ceremony is not only a grant in finance but also a lively motivational education.
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